You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2010.

I said in yesterday’s post that I’ve been in the writing doldrums.

But because I’m not writing doesn’t mean I’m not doing something writing related.

Those two hours a day I spend in the car have been converted to a classroom on wheels(for the past 6 or so years).

I listen to writing conference recordings and great audio books from the library.

I’m currently listening to the 2010 ACFW conference.

Dr. Dennis Hensley‘s continuing class alone makes the purchase worth it.

He uses great story examples complete with sound effects. I’d like to meet him some day.

But truthfully, nothing beats actually writing to get better at writing. That’s why I’m so frustrated with myself. I know what it takes to get better, but I seem to want to live in mediocrity.

Where’ve I been? Why haven’t I been updating my posts?

I am in the writing doldrums.

I have too much I want to do and that paralyzes me from accomplishing anything.

I lack energy. I have a day job. I spend roughly two hours a day on the road.

All poor excuses.

But I want more time.

More time at home to write, to study the Bible, to spend time with my family, to complete little projects around my house, to exercise.

If you have any solutions out there–besides quitting the day job–please share them with me.

And trust me–I pray about it a lot.

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